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VSS 9 2015

Dynamic Bus Lanes in Zurich Effects of Multimodal Operations on Urban Networks A common strategy to prioritize public transport in urban Networks is to dedicate lanes only for buses. By separating buses from general traffic, they help minimize public trans- port delays, but at the same time capacity is taken away from general traffic. Recent research proposed the concept of dynamic bus lanes to better exploit urban roads. To evaluate their benefit for city networks in Switzerland, the interactions of public buses and cars were analyzed empirically. The results also show how different bus operating strategies influence the car-carrying capacity of a road in Zurich. Dynamic bus lanes are lanes which are dedicated to buses only at the very mo- ment when they run. In the time segment between two buses, all lanes are acces- sible to cars. By means of telematics, a right of way for buses can be provided at the time needed, without converting the lane into a bus-only facility. To figure out whether dynamic bus lanes could be a suitable solution to ease capacity prob- lems of urban networks such as Zurich, it is important to know how buses influ- ence general traffic (e.g. cars) in terms of speed, lane choice behavior and traffic flow. Dynamic bus lanes still haven’t been implemented permanently anywhere in the world, but interactions between buses and cars can also be observed in existing bus operating systems such as dedicated bus lanes and mixed-use lanes. Various studies have shown that in real freeway traffic, car- pool lanes are not as damaging to overall capacity as one would expect. They can diminish disruptive vehicle lane DE changes, so that bottleneck flows are in- creased. The so-called smoothing effect has so far been observed in freeway traffic with carpool lanes, but could as well occur in city networks with dedicated bus lanes, since segregating different vehicle classes should lessen capacity reductions due to lane changing even more. If this were the case, dedicating lanes of a roadway to buses only, the overall capacity could be greater than if all lanes were used by general traffic. Data Collection To measure and quantify the described behavior characteris- tics, field studies were carried out. The chosen setting is lo- cated in Zurich Höngg near the Werdinsel, where the Winzer- strasse discharges into Europabrücke. Winzerhalde unites two different bus operating strategies: The bus is conducted in its own reserved lane up to the bus stop Winzerhalde. After VON KATHRIN ARNET MSc ETH Bauingenieur- wissenschaften, Bauführerin Ingenieurtiefbau, Frutiger AG, Thun Anzeige 6. und 13. November 2015 an der HSR Weitere Details unter Verkehrsmodelle dienen häufig der Abstützung von Ergebnissen, ohne dass der Aufbau, die Anwendungsmöglichkeiten und die Grenzen dieses Instruments wirklich bekannt sind. Das zweitägige Seminar vermittelt Ihnen Einblick in die Strukturen und Abläufe von Verkehrs- modellen. Sie können sich künftig ein Urteil über die Zweckmässigkeit eines Verkehrsmodell- einsatzes bilden, Vorstellungen über den Umfang und die Detaillierung eines Modells ent- wickeln und Modellergebnisse interpretieren. In einer Übung führen Sie erste Umlegungen für ein Beispiel durch. 5. SEMINAR «VERKEHRSMODELLE – BLACKBOX ODER ENTSCHEIDUNGSHILFE?» Patronat: VSS-Preisträgerin 2015 Kathrin Arnet wurde für diese Master- arbeit an der ETH Zürich mit dem VSS- Preis 2015 ausgezeichnet. Sie ist eine von drei Preisträgerinnen. FACHARTIKEL | ARTICLES TECHNIQUES | 27 VSS_SV_09_2015.pdf 27VSS_SV_09_2015.pdf 27 28.09.15 10:4028.09.15 10:40 VSS_SV_09_2015.pdf 27VSS_SV_09_2015.pdf 2728.09.1510:4028.09.1510:40
