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VSS 3 2015

FORSCHUNG | RECHERCHE | 45 strong inhibitor of political and public social acceptability might be the widely spread assumption that congestion pricing has negative equity effects. Sev- eral scholars, such as Richardson [40], Evans [17], Arnott et al. [3] and Small [47], have argued that those with high incomes gain most from congestion charges, since they are assumed to have a higher value of time, and hence more often feel that the time gain is worth the charge. Recently, results from the congestion charging system in Stockholm and the Value of Time Study in Sweden (Börjes- son and Eliasson [10]) have indicated that travel preferences, such as the value of time, vary not only among indi- viduals, but also between different trips for the same individual. The project Surprice investigated these intra-individual preference variations and its effects on equity. The basic hypothesis was, that intra-individual variation is significant, which reduces negative equity effects as follows. If value of time is not only dependent on income but also on trip characteristics, then also low income groups can occa- sionally have a high value of time which increases their benefit of reduced travel times due to efficient road pricing. This reduces the negative equity effects of congestion charging as the same indi- vidual could belong to those that gain on some occasions, and to those who lose on other occasions. Several groups were involved in the project. The Danish and Swedish team estimated models based on longitudinal Swiss travel diary data. Application of these parameters in a hypothetical con- gestion charging system showed that actually consumer surplus varies more between trips than between individuals (Börjesson et al. [11]), which is in line with the basic hypothesis. However, the computation of consumer surplus for trips and individuals involves two dif- ferent levels of aggregation, which in- fluences variance (see Horni [21] (Sec- tion 6.6.1)). This means, that the effect might be purely statistical. The Swiss contribution approached the problem by simulation of a real-world scenario. Actually, the same effect – we call it implicit cooperation between income groups – supporting the basic hypothesis could be found, but only for Stellenmarkt EDY TOSCANO SA est l’un des principaux prestataires de services d’ingénierie, de plani cati n et de c nseil, avec plus de c lla rateurs travaillant dans t us les d aines de l’ingénierie eur tivati n, leur engage ent et la satis acti n de n s clients garantissent n tre indépendance et n tre succ s N s succursales en Suisse s nt rganisées de ani re décentralisée et rent une vaste ga e de services ur n tre liale de Lausanne, n us rec erc ns d s aintenant u p ur une date c nvenir une pers nnalité p ur le p ste de Ingénieur civil EPF/HES (h ou f) Responsable section infrastructures routières Vos responsabilités us participere directe ent la c rdinati n et supervisi n des ingénieurs de la secti n dans t utes les p ases des études us u’ la réalisati n de pr ets c - plexes a pr specti n, la c ncepti n et la réalisati n de pr ets r utiers ser nt v s principales t c es Votre profil us tes titulaire d un dipl e E ES en génie civil u titre ugé é uivalent , v us éné cie d une expérience d au ins dix ans au sein d un ureau d études, idéale ent dans la e ncti n e ran ais est v tre langue aternelle et v us parle une sec nde langue nati nale la e serait un plus us travaille de ani re aut n e, aites preuve de d na is e, d’un n sens de l’ rganisati n et apprécie le travail en é uipe us a trise par aite ent t us les l giciels S O ce et les utils spéci ues in r ati ues Etes-vous intéressé(e)? N us v us r ns des c nditi ns de travail pr gressistes, une a iance de travail c nviviale ainsi u’une in rastructure derne a riel dar, Directeur de la liale, se tient v tre enti re disp siti n p ur t ute uesti n au nu ér erci de n us env er v tre d ssier de candidature c plet par c urriel u par p ste EDY TOSCANO SA, a riel dar, lace C auder n a, ausanne ga riel dar t scan c , t scan c EDY TOSCANO SA. Inspirés par le succès. a small sweet spot of parameters. Al- though, a sensitivity analysis coupled with a comprehensive statistical test is outstanding, it can be concluded by now that with the adopted method (our simulation including the scenario) the null hypothesis (“no effect”) cannot be falsified, meaning that the Surprice hypothesis cannot be assumed and that it – although intellectually interesting – cannot be used as a strong argument for road pricing.
