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VSS 10

FORSCHUNG | RECHERCHE | 41 Stellenmarkt ,QQRYDWLY ÀH[LEHO G\QDPLVFK 6R GHQNHQ XQG DUEHLWHQ ZLU ± VHLW EHU -DKUHQ 8QG JHQDX VROFKH 0LWDUEHLWHQGH VXFKHQ ZLU ± ]XU 9HUVWlUNXQJ XQVHUHU 7HDPV LP DOOJHPHLQHQ 7LHIEDX :LU ELHWHQ ,KQHQ HLQ PRWLYLHUHQGHV XQG HUIROJUHLFKHV $UEHLWVXPIHOG HLQHQ PRGHUQ HLQJHULFKWHWHQ $UEHLWVSODW] XQG IRUWVFKULWWOLFKH $UEHLWVEHGLQJXQJHQ 6HOEVWYHU VWlQGOLFK OLHJW XQV DXFK YLHO GDUDQ GDVV 6LH VLFK EHL XQV SHUV|QOLFK XQG EHUXÀLFK HQWIDOWHQ N|QQHQ IQWHUHVVH JHZHFNW" :LU IUHXHQ XQV DXI ,KUH %HZHUEXQJ :lOOL $* ,QJHQLHXUH 3HUVRQDODEWHLOXQJ +lQQHV %RPPHU %UKOVWUDVVH D $UERQ KERPPHU#ZDHOOLFK IU GLH 1LHGHUODVVXQJ LQ 6W *DOOHQ RGHU $UERQ ,QJHQLHXULQ (7+ RGHU 06F )+ RGHU %6F 3URMHNWOHLWHU 9HUNHKUVSODQXQJ Wälli AG Ingenieure Wir kennen uns aus. Standorte $UERQ +DXSWVLW] 6W*DOOHQ +HULVDX $SSHQ]HOO +HHUEUXJJ +HLGHQ +RUZ 5RPDQVKRUQ 5RUVFKDFK :HLQIHOGHQ EN RESEARCH REPORT NO 1478 Research Package on Recycling of Reclaimed Asphalt in Hot Mixes – EP4: Evaluation of Durability Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, Dübendorf LILY D. POULIKAKOS, Dr. Sc. ETH, M.S. Civil Eng. MANFRED N. PARTL, Prof. Dr. Sc. ETH, Dipl. Ing. ETH Forschungsprojekt VSS 2005/455 auf Antrag des Schweizerischen Verbands der Strassen- und Verkehrsfachleute (VSS) This sub-project addresses the long term performance and durability of specific recycled asphalt concrete ma- terials and is part of the research pack- age on recycled asphalt concrete mate- rials with five sub projects. To this end, an aged Swiss standard surface course AC11 S and an aged high modulus base course AC EME 22 were investigated regarding their chemical and mechani- cal characteristics with the addition of 40% and 60% RAP. Artificial short and long term age- ing was done using the AASHTO R30 method. Chemical analysis of the binders using ATR-FTIR showed clear evidence of oxidation (aging) of the binders exemplified by the increase in the carbonyl and sulfoxide indexes. The rheological investigation using the DSR showed an increase in the modu- lus of the materials containing RAP at higher temperatures for both types of materials. The properties of the binder extracted from the AC11 S mixture with 40% RAP did not show a significant difference with the binder with 60% RAP indicat- ing compensation by the rejuvenator added to the mixture with 60 % RAP. Aging and addition of RAP decreased the penetration and increased the sof-ff tening point of the binders; however, the effect of aging was more significant than the addition of RAP. The following mechanical tests were performed on compacted samples: In- direct tensile test, Marshall flow and stability, stiffness modulus, resistance to fatigue, permanent deformation, cyclic compressive test, low tempera- ture behavior using the ITS test, Water susceptibility using the ITSR and CAST and particle loss using the Cantabro test. The results showed that the use of RAP did not compromise the long term mechanical performance and du- rability of the mixtures. For example resistance to fatigue was slightly better for the AC11 S mixture with RAP than without and better for AC EME without RAP than with. Comparison of the results with the Swiss standards (when applicable) indicated that the required limits had been met. Furthermore, the results in- dicate that the use of high amounts of RAP in surface AC courses and EME base courses should be expanded espe- cially as current standards do not allow the use of RAP in some surface courses. In summary, it was shown that a mix- ture with 40 % and 60 % RAP in aged state can perform in laboratory tests as well as the mixtures produced with virgin materials. sons solvant/liant des problèmes ont été relevés. En conclusion, on peut affirmer que les méthodes appliquées ainsi que les solvants utilisés pour l’extraction et la récupération du liant, à l’exception du dichlorométhane, ne montrent aucun changement significatif des propriétés déterminées, des liants récupérés. Il est intéressant de constater que même avec un solvant chloré (per- chloréthylène) ou aromatique à point d’ébullition élevé (xylène) on obtient des résultats similaires à ceux obtenus avec le toluène. Cependant, il faut por- ter une attention particulière, à ce que le solvant soit éliminé aussi complète- ment que possible, mais d’autre part, la contrainte thermique doit être réduite au minimum en fin de récupération. Cela nécessite un bon vide dans le bal- lon d’évaporation rotatif en respectant strictement les procédures, principale- ment dans la deuxième phase de récu- pération.
